VIHASA, An Introduction

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VIHASA, An Introduction

A personal and team development programme for healthcare practitioners.

Values in Healthcare is a modular development programme which enables healthcare professionals and teams to better support themselves and their patients. Through experiential exercises and opportunities for reflection and self-enquiry, participants can identify their own core values and discover how their insights can enhance their work and revitalise them. The Values in Healthcare approach undertakes sessions with small groups of people to enhance the experience. The programme introduces values such as compassion, co-operation, peacefulness and self-care, encouraging participants to explore using these values in their personal and professional lives.

A Spiritual Approach

Spirituality is the act of using our inner resources of peace, love, positivity and compassion for the benefit and healing of ourselves and others. A spiritual approach is one that enhances, reconnects and rejuvenates these qualities in our thoughts, feelings, attitudes, beliefs and actions.

VIHASA, An Introduction
In the chaotic world we live-in, everyone wants to be around happy, positive, encouraging individuals. VIHASA enables you to become such a person. It inspires participants to conjure courage to face their failures, embarrassing moments or shortcomings and use it to become better versions of themselves. In short, VIHASA builds:
  • Compassion

  • More self-control

  • Better team-work

  • More self-awareness

  • Better time management

  • Leadership capabilities

  • Better work environment

  • Better professional

Objectives of VIHASA
Who can benefit?
VIHASA as a core emotional intelligence encourager platform helps: